The secular knowledge that you get from Universities is mere husk only. It serves the purpose of earning the bread only. It cannot give you peace of mind and salvation. It thickens the veil of ignorance only. He who says, “I am specialist in Biology and various logies” is only a fool. One Mantra, one Sloka of the Upanishads will blow up the knowledge that you derive from colleges. Study the first Mantra of Isa Upanishad: “Isavasyam idam sarvam—The whole world is indwelt by the Lord.” Rejoice in Atman by removing the names and forms. Do not be covetous. Imbibe the ideas of this Mantra. Practise. Feel the indwelling presence. Live in the spirit of the Mantra. You will become a King of kings, Emperor of emperors, the Sun of suns, the Light of lights. Do not be puffed up with your University degrees. Be humble. Destroy scientific atheism. Have faith in the teaching of Srutis. Do Kirtan in a chorus with harmony and concord, with one Svara and one Tala. Sing Rama Nama from the bottom of your heart with Bhava. I will make you realise the infinite peace and bliss this very moment.
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