Previous editions of Computer Networks And Internets have received incredibly positive reviews; I especially thank readers who have taken the time to write to me personally. In addition to students who use the text in courses, networking professionals have written to praise its clarity and describe how it helped them pass professional certification exams. Many enthusiastic comments have also arrived about foreign translations. The success is especially satisfying in a market glutted with networking books. This book stands out because of its breadth of coverage, logical organization, explanation of concepts, focus on the Internet, and appeal to both professors and students. In response to suggestions from readers and recent changes in networking, the new edition has been completely reorganized, revised, and updated. Descriptions of older technologies has been reduced or eliminated. Material on data communications, which is becoming an essential staple of networking courses, has been expanded and placed in Part II of the text. The networking chapters build on the data communication basics, and describe both wired and wireless networking. In addition, to emphasize the new 802.11 wireless standards, the discussion of wireless includes cellular telephone technologies because cellular systems currently offer data services and will soon be adopting Internet protocols.
Note:- All Books Are Here For Knowledge Only.Thank You.!!
Book Title: Computer Networks And Internets
Total Pages: 637
Posted By: Shakil Ilyas
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