This book has been more difficult and time consuming than any of my previous books. I appreciate beyond words the patience of Apress and the staff who helped bring this project to fruition: particularly Matthew Moodie and Richard Dal Porto. I am especially grateful to my Technical Reviewer, Francis Glassborow, whose deep knowledge of C++ has saved me from mistakes big and small. If any technical errors remain, no doubt I introduced them too late in the editing cycle for Francis to spot them. Most of all, I thank my wife, Cheryl, whose support and encouragement sustained me when I lacked the strength to carry on. I also thank my children who put up with days and evenings without me while I finished this book. I love you all. Finally, I thank the scientists and doctors who have worked miracles in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, permitting me to continue to work, write, and play.
Note:- All Books Are Here For Knowledge Only.Thank You.!!
Book Title: Exploring C++ The Programmers Introduction to C++
Total Pages: 704
Posted By: Shakil Ilyas
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